Dental Checkups

How much does a dental checkup cost?

The cost of a dental checkup can vary depending on your location, the dental practice, and whether you have dental insurance. Many insurance plans cover the cost of bi-annual checkups. We recommend contacting your insurance provider for specific coverage details and our office to discuss any concerns about costs.

What if the dentist finds a problem during my checkup?

If a problem is detected during your checkup, your dentist will discuss the issue with you, explain your treatment options, and work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. Our goal is to address your dental needs while considering your preferences and concerns.

Will I need X-rays at every checkup?

Not necessarily. The need for X-rays depends on your individual oral health status, history of dental issues, and the time elapsed since your last set of X-rays. Your dentist will determine if X-rays are necessary during your visit.

How can I prepare for a dental checkup?

You can prepare for a dental checkup by maintaining good oral hygiene, including brushing twice a day and flossing daily. Also, make a list of any questions or concerns you may have for your dentist, as well as a list of all medications you are currently taking.

What if I have dental anxiety?

Dental anxiety is common, and at Cedar Park Dental & Braces, we take extra steps to ensure our patients feel relaxed and comfortable. Communicate your fears to us; we offer various solutions to help ease anxiety, including sedation options for a more comfortable experience.

Can dental checkups detect oral cancer?

Yes, part of your dental checkup includes screening for oral cancer. Your dentist will examine your mouth for signs of oral cancer, such as sores, irregular tissue changes, or other abnormalities. Early detection is key to effective treatment.

Is a dental checkup painful?

Dental checkups are generally painless. Some patients may experience slight discomfort during the cleaning process, especially if there's significant tartar buildup or sensitive gums. However, dentists and hygienists strive to ensure your comfort throughout the visit.

What happens during a dental checkup?

A typical dental checkup includes a review of your dental and medical history, a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth for any signs of disease or other problems, professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar, and, if necessary, digital X-rays to detect issues not visible to the naked eye.

How often should I get a dental checkup?

The American Dental Association recommends that individuals visit their dentist at least once every six months for a regular checkup and cleaning. However, your dentist may suggest more frequent visits depending on your specific oral health needs.

What is a dental checkup and why is it important?

A dental checkup is a routine examination of your teeth, gums, and overall oral health by a dentist. It's crucial for detecting early signs of dental issues, preventing diseases, and maintaining good oral hygiene. Regular checkups can help avoid complex and costly dental treatments in the future by catching problems early.


What is the process for getting a dental crown?

The process typically involves two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the tooth is prepared by removing any decay and shaping the surface to fit the crown. An impression is then taken to create a custom crown, and a temporary crown is placed. On the second visit, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent crown is adjusted, if necessary, and cemented into place.

Will my dental crown look natural?

Absolutely. Dental crowns are custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of your surrounding teeth. This ensures that your crown blends in seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing a cosmetic improvement as well as a functional restoration.

How much do dental crowns cost?

The cost of a dental crown can vary widely depending on the material used, the complexity of the placement, and other factors Dental insurance may cover a portion of the cost, especially if the crown is needed for restorative reasons. We recommend contacting your insurance provider for coverage details and our office for specific pricing.

Can a dental crown fall out?

While uncommon, it is possible for a dental crown to become loose or fall out. This can happen due to decay of the underlying tooth, deterioration of the cement used to hold the crown in place, or severe impact. If your crown becomes loose or falls out, contact your dentist immediately.

How do I care for my dental crown?

Caring for a dental crown involves the same practices as caring for your natural teeth. This includes brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. Avoiding hard foods and not using your teeth as tools can also help prolong the life of your crown.

Is the dental crown procedure painful?

The procedure to install a dental crown typically involves minimal discomfort. Local anesthesia is used to numb the tooth and surrounding gum tissue during the procedure. After the anesthesia wears off, you may experience some sensitivity or discomfort, but this is usually mild and temporary.

How long do dental crowns last?

With proper care, dental crowns can last between 5 to 15 years or longer. The lifespan depends on the wear and tear the crown is exposed to, how well you follow good oral hygiene practices, and your personal mouth-related habits (like grinding or clenching teeth, chewing ice, biting fingernails, and using your teeth to open packaging).

Why do I need a dental crown?

You might need a dental crown for several reasons, including:

  • To protect a weak tooth from breaking
  • To restore an already broken tooth or a tooth that has been severely worn down
  • To cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn't a lot of tooth left
  • To hold a dental bridge in place
  • To cover misshapen or severely discolored teeth
  • To cover a dental implant

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a custom-made cap placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns are used to protect damaged teeth, cover implants, attach bridges, and prevent a cracked tooth from worsening. They can be made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, metal, or composite resin.


Am I a candidate for Invisalign?

Most people seeking to improve their smile are candidates for Invisalign. It's effective for a wide range of dental issues, from mild to moderate. However, the best way to determine your eligibility is by scheduling a consultation with a dentist at Cedar Park Dental & Braces.

How do I clean my Invisalign aligners?

Cleaning your Invisalign aligners is simple. Rinse them in lukewarm water and brush them gently with a toothbrush. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp the plastic. Additionally, Invisalign cleaning crystals can be used for a deeper clean.

Will Invisalign affect my speech?

Some patients may experience a slight lisp when they first begin wearing Invisalign aligners. However, this minor adjustment period is typically short-lived, as your tongue gets used to the aligners within a few days.

How much does Invisalign cost?

The cost of Invisalign treatment can vary based on individual needs, such as the complexity of your dental issues and the length of treatment. Cedar Park Dental & Braces offers flexible payment options and can provide a detailed cost breakdown during your consultation.

How often do I need to wear my Invisalign aligners?

For the best results, it's recommended to wear your Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day. You should only remove them for eating, drinking anything other than water, brushing, and flossing.

Can I eat with Invisalign aligners in?

No, you should remove your Invisalign aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. This prevents damage to the aligners and maintains oral hygiene. The aligners are easily removable, allowing you to enjoy all your favorite foods without restrictions.

Is Invisalign painful?

Invisalign aligners are designed to minimize discomfort. While you may experience mild pressure and discomfort during the first few days of wearing a new set of aligners, this sensation is a sign that the treatment is working and usually subsides quickly.

How long does Invisalign treatment take?

The duration of Invisalign treatment varies depending on the complexity of your case but typically ranges from 12 to 18 months. However, you may start to see improvements in just a few weeks. Your dentist will provide an estimated treatment time during your initial consultation.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign treatment involves wearing a set of custom-made, clear plastic aligners that apply controlled pressure to your teeth, slowly moving them into the desired position. Every 1-2 weeks, you'll switch to a new set of aligners, gradually achieving your perfect smile. The process is planned in advance by your dentist using 3D computer imaging technology.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic system that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually straighten teeth. It's designed to correct a variety of dental issues, including crooked teeth, overcrowding, gaps between teeth, and certain bite problems, offering a discreet alternative to traditional metal braces.


Are there alternatives to veneers?

Yes, there are several alternatives to veneers, including dental bonding, crowns, and orthodontic treatments like braces or Invisalign. The best option depends on your dental health, cosmetic goals, and budget. Our skilled cosmetic dentist can discuss these options with you during your consultation.

What is the process for getting veneers?

The process for getting veneers usually involves three visits to the dentist: one for a consultation and two to make and apply the veneers. The steps include:

  1. Consultation: Discuss your goals and examine your teeth to ensure veneers are the right choice.
  2. Preparation: A small amount of enamel is removed from the tooth surface, and a mold is taken.
  3. Bonding: After your custom veneers are created, they are bonded to your teeth during a follow-up visit.

Will my insurance cover veneers?

Dental insurance typically does not cover veneers as they are considered a cosmetic procedure. However, it's always best to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage. Our office can also provide information on financing and payment options during your consultation.

How much do veneers cost?

The cost of veneers can vary depending on several factors, including the number of veneers you need and the material chosen. Porcelain veneers tend to be more expensive than composite resin veneers but offer a more durable and natural-looking result. Cedar Park Dental & Braces offers financing options to help make veneers more accessible.

Can anyone get veneers?

Most people are candidates for veneers, but not everyone. Ideal candidates for veneers have healthy teeth and gums but want to improve the appearance of their smile. Conditions like gum disease, tooth decay, or insufficient tooth enamel may need to be addressed before veneers can be applied.

Do veneers require special care?

Veneers do not require any special care beyond good oral hygiene practices. You should continue to brush twice a day, floss daily, and visit your dentist regularly. While porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, it's still a good idea to avoid excessive consumption of stain-causing foods and beverages.

How long do veneers last?

With proper care, porcelain veneers can last between 10 to 15 years. The lifespan of your veneers can vary depending on your oral hygiene practices, lifestyle, and the way your teeth come together (your bite). Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene can help extend the life of your veneers.

Are veneers permanent?

Veneers are considered a permanent treatment because the process involves removing a small amount of enamel from the front of your teeth to accommodate the shell. This alteration means that your teeth will always need to be covered with veneers or another form of dental restoration.

How do veneers compare to dental crowns?

While both veneers and crowns improve the appearance and function of your teeth, the main difference lies in how much of the tooth is covered and altered. Veneers cover only the front surface of the tooth and require minimal tooth removal, making them a less invasive option. Crowns encase the entire tooth and require more tooth structure to be removed. Veneers are typically recommended for cosmetic enhancements, whereas crowns are used for teeth that need more structural support.

What are veneers?

Veneers are thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. These shells are bonded to the teeth, changing their color, shape, size, or length. Porcelain veneers are popular due to their strength, durability, and natural-looking appearance.

Dental Implants

How do I get started with dental implants?

The first step is to schedule a consultation at Cedar Park Dental & Braces. During your visit, we'll assess your oral health, discuss your options, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Will my insurance cover dental implants?

Dental insurance coverage for implants varies by provider and plan. Some insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost. Our office staff can help you understand your benefits and explore financing options to ensure you receive the care you need.

Can dental implants fail?

While dental implant success rates are high, there is a small risk of failure due to factors like infection, insufficient bone density, or improper care. However, following your dentist's care instructions and maintaining good oral hygiene can significantly reduce the risk of implant failure.

How much do dental implants cost?

The cost of dental implants varies depending on the number of implants needed and any additional procedures. Cedar Park Dental & Braces offers competitive pricing and financing options to make dental implants accessible to our patients. We recommend scheduling a consultation for a personalized estimate.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved appearance: They look and feel like your own teeth.
  • Enhanced oral health: Unlike bridges, implants do not require altering nearby teeth.
  • Durability: Implants are very durable and can last many years, often for a lifetime.
  • Improved comfort and speech: Implants eliminate the discomfort of removable dentures and the problem of dentures slipping while speaking.

How do I care for my dental implants?

Dental implants require the same care as natural teeth, including brushing twice daily, flossing, and regular dental checkups. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a fantastic investment in your oral health.

Are dental implants painful?

Patients are usually under local anesthesia during the implant placement procedure, minimizing discomfort. Post-procedure pain is typically mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Most patients report that the discomfort is less than they anticipated.

How long does the dental implant process take?

The dental implant process varies from patient to patient, typically ranging from three to nine months. This timeline can be extended if additional procedures, such as bone grafting, are necessary. The process includes the initial consultation, implant placement, healing period (osseointegration), and the placement of the final crown, bridge, or denture.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants?

Most adults in good general health with missing teeth are candidates for dental implants. Ideal candidates have healthy gum tissue and sufficient bone density to support the implant. A consultation with one of our implant dentists can determine if dental implants are the right choice for you.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, typically made from titanium, that are surgically placed into the jawbone. A crown, bridge, or denture is then attached to the implant, offering a stable and permanent solution for replacing missing teeth. They are designed to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Can I whiten my teeth if I have fillings, crowns, or veneers?

Teeth whitening only works on natural tooth enamel, so it won't affect the color of fillings, crowns, or veneers. If you have dental restorations, our dental team can discuss options for achieving a uniformly whiter smile, such as replacing these restorations after whitening.

How much does teeth whitening cost?

The cost of teeth whitening can vary depending on the type of treatment you choose. At Cedar Park Dental & Braces, we offer competitive pricing and financing options to make teeth whitening accessible to our patients. During your consultation, we can provide you with a detailed cost estimate.

What can I do to maintain my whiter smile?

To maintain your whiter smile, avoid stain-causing foods and beverages, practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily, and visit Cedar Park Dental & Braces for regular check-ups and cleanings. Additionally, touch-up treatments can help keep your smile bright.

Who is a candidate for teeth whitening?

Most adults with healthy, unrestored teeth and gums are good candidates for teeth whitening. However, it may not be suitable for everyone, such as those with dental restorations, pregnant women, or individuals with certain dental conditions. A consultation with our dental team can help determine if teeth whitening is right for you.

Can teeth whitening damage enamel?

No, teeth whitening products approved for use by dental professionals do not damage tooth enamel. The whitening agents used are effective at removing stains without harming the tooth's surface.

Will teeth whitening cause sensitivity?

Some patients may experience temporary tooth sensitivity following a whitening treatment. This sensitivity is usually mild and subsides within a few days. Our dental team can recommend strategies to minimize sensitivity, such as using a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth.

How long do teeth whitening results last?

The longevity of teeth whitening results can vary based on individual habits, such as smoking and consuming stain-causing foods and beverages. With proper care and occasional touch-ups, the effects of teeth whitening can last for several months to a few years.

Is teeth whitening safe?

Yes, when performed under the supervision of a dental professional, teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to brighten your smile. Our team at Cedar Park Dental & Braces ensures that your oral health is our top priority throughout the whitening process.

How does teeth whitening work?

Teeth whitening procedures typically involve the application of a whitening agent, such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, to the teeth. This agent penetrates the enamel and breaks down stain compounds, making the teeth appear whiter.

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure designed to remove stains and discoloration from teeth, resulting in a brighter, more attractive smile. It can be performed in a dental office for immediate results or at home with professional-grade products provided by a dentist.

Emergency Dentistry

How can Cedar Park Dental & Braces help in a dental emergency?

Cedar Park Dental & Braces offers comprehensive emergency dental care, including after-hours and same-day appointments, to ensure you receive the treatment you need when you need it. Our experienced team is equipped to handle a wide range of dental emergencies with compassion and efficiency.

What happens during an emergency dental appointment?

During an emergency dental appointment, our first priority is to address any pain and assess the urgency of the situation. We'll conduct an examination, possibly including X-rays, to determine the extent of the issue and discuss immediate treatment options to alleviate pain and stabilize your condition.

How can I manage pain before my emergency appointment?

Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort until your appointment. Applying a cold compress to the face near the affected area can also reduce swelling and pain. However, it's important to follow the advice given by your dental team when you call for your emergency appointment.

Will my insurance cover emergency dental care?

Many dental insurance plans offer coverage for emergency care, but the extent of coverage can vary. We recommend checking with your insurance provider to understand your benefits. Our office staff can also assist in verifying your coverage and explaining your options.

What is the cost of emergency dental care?

The cost of emergency dental care varies depending on the nature and severity of the emergency. At Cedar Park Dental & Braces, we're committed to providing affordable care and offer various payment options, including our in-house Membership Savings Plan, to ensure finances don't stand in the way of necessary treatment.

How quickly do I need to act in a dental emergency?

Time is often of the essence in dental emergencies, especially in cases like a knocked-out tooth, where immediate action can mean the difference between saving and losing the tooth. Contacting a dentist immediately for advice and to arrange an urgent appointment is crucial.

Can I avoid dental emergencies?

While not all dental emergencies can be prevented, maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings can significantly reduce the risk. Wearing a mouthguard during sports and avoiding hard foods that can crack teeth are also effective preventative measures.

What should I do if I have a dental emergency?

If you're experiencing a dental emergency, contact Cedar Park Dental & Braces as soon as possible. We offer same-day appointments and after-hours services to address emergencies quickly. For severe trauma, especially if it involves the head or neck, seek immediate care at an emergency room before contacting us for follow-up dental treatment.

What qualifies as a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is any situation that involves severe pain, bleeding, or trauma to the teeth or gums that requires immediate attention. Common dental emergencies include:

  • Severe toothache or pain
  • Swollen gums or face
  • Knocked-out tooth
  • Broken, cracked, or chipped teeth
  • Lost fillings or crowns
  • Abscess or infection

Cedar Park Dental & Braces is Here to Make You Smile